Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Pleasurable Pickle

Wednesday August 29th, 2012 – Burlington, WI

   How does one decide on just one flavor at Baskin Robbins or just one hottie to approach at the Playboy mansion? Maybe other people can, but I can’t. I might not like them all, but I sure enjoy more than one. What fun is life if one can’t explore all of it? It’s exciting, but also excruciating.

   I’m finding myself stuck in the same old situation I’ve been in for years, and I don’t know how to change it. It’s a problem on one hand, but pure pleasure on the other. What a productive pickle to be in – and that’s why it’s so difficult. I love all that I’m doing, but there’s too much going on.

   If I could find it in my inner wiring to focus on just one of my backlog of projects, I’d probably have had some significant success by now. I’ve done alright in several areas, but haven’t had that big grand slam home run that everyone dreams about. Could it still happen? I do believe it could.

   The problem is I’m not exactly sure which one of my list of projects is the right one to go after. I love them all, and if I would pick just one I’d feel bad about neglecting the others. I feel it now. I enjoy the constant stimulation of having a lot of things going at once, but it’s hard to maintain.

   I work all the time and I love it, but I do admit my organization skills could stand a significant upgrade. I need to make a master plan, then cut it up into smaller ones and pay closer attention to details like time, money and building a team around me. Did a one man band ever hit the charts?

   If one did – and I can’t think of any - it was the exception rather than the rule. The Colonel was part of Elvis’s team and Brian Epstein was integral in the rise of The Beatles. When he died, they went off in four opposite directions and I have to believe that was the beginning of their demise.

   But then there are the Rolling Stones. I’ve read that Mick Jagger has served as their business manager for decades, and they seem to have done rather well. They focused on one thing though, and that’s being a rock and roll band. They put on concerts and made recordings, and did it well.

   Mick Jagger didn’t host a paranormal talk show he didn’t get paid for and teach classes on how to be a rock star. He was too busy BEING one himself. I get that, but it doesn’t change the actual fact I absolutely love each and every one of my projects. When I’m doing them, they’re all great.

   Being on stage performing standup comedy when everything is going well is still the purest fun and energy rush I have ever experienced. I’ve always loved it, and always will. I’m not very fond of the offstage insanity, but once I’m up there everything else fades and that becomes my focus.

   But I also love to teach classes, be on the radio, wheel and deal sports cards, read books, watch movies, hang out with friends, watch sports, spend time with women - in other words have a well balanced life. Unfortunately, there just isn’t enough time to get to everything I want to explore.

   Today I had lunch at the Sci’Fi Café in Burlington, WI. Mary Sutherland and I discussed a plan on how to promote her upcoming conference on the radio. Productive? A little. Fun? Absolutely.

Posted via email from Dobie Maxwell's "Dented Can" Diary

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