Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Groundhog Deja Vu

Monday February 2nd, 2009 - Chicago, IL

Groundhog Day. I hadn’t seen that movie in I don’t know when so as corny as it sounds I popped the DVD into my computer and watched it again today. I totally loved it when it first came out and recently I found the DVD at some thrift store cheap so I snapped it up.

Bill Murray just blows me away. What a fantastic talent he is in my opinion. I can’t say enough about his performance in a lot of films but this one really showcases his brilliance on a lot of levels. He can play it straight or funny and in this role he nailed both of them.

The whole movie just fits together perfectly. The rest of the cast is also outstanding and I think it falls into one of those rare movies that can be called a true modern classic. There aren’t that many films that I can think of that belong there but I think this one surely does.

‘The Shawshank Redemption’ is another one in that category as is ‘This Is ‘Spinal Tap’. There are a few more that pop into my head like ‘Goodfellas’ and ‘Fargo’ and ‘Full Metal Jacket’ in the beginning when they’re in boot camp. I could watch a movie like that many times and never get sick of it and I felt that way as I watched Groundhog Day over again.

‘Caddyshack’ is like that for me and so is ‘A Christmas Story’. ‘Back To The Future’ is another one. Wait a minute. I guess the classics aren’t as rare as I thought. Or maybe they are. Even with these several titles there are still countless other movies that are total duds.

I’m talking about a movie I can sit down and watch all the way through and enjoy it and not have to fast forward through any scenes to get to the one or two good ones. It’s a little like a music CD. There are many with one or two or even three good songs but how many sustain a good solid flow and keep a listener interested all the way through? Not many.

Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ does that in my opinion. There isn’t a bad song on the disc and it still sounds great today. Personal opinions of Michael Jackson aside that’s a world class recording. I think ‘Saturday Night Fever’ is too. It may be dated to some but I think that whole double album set is outstanding from beginning to end. But what do I know?

Not a whole hell of a lot and I admit it. My taste is stuck somewhere between Caucasian boring and Wisconsin hick but I like what I like and I’m getting a better handle on what it is as I get older. I may not like what the masses like but I do have a pretty defined palate.

I like things that are smart and well done and polished into a slick package. ‘Groundhog Day’ was a movie that did all of those things and since I hadn’t seen it in a while I totally enjoyed it all over again. Some parts I remembered but some I didn’t so it was new again.

I also hosted the rising star showcase at Zanies in Chicago tonight. I’ve got one on each Monday of the month and that’s going to add up and almost pay next month’s rent so I’m not complaining at all. I have a notebook full of new jokes to work in so I’ll use this time to keep growing and getting better. Hopefully I can create a classic of my own someday.

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