Thursday, May 21, 2009

Opportunity In Appleton

Wednesday May 20th, 2009 - Appleton, WI

Damage control week. I’ve heard wonderful things about the Skyline Comedy Café in Appleton, WI but until this week I’ve never worked here. There are reasons for it that I’d really rather not get into because it won’t change the fact that I have been excluded for so long. It’s taken many years but I finally got my chance and I’m grateful to have it. Period.

Life is full of sensitive politics but the entertainment business is even more delicate. I’m the first to admit I’ve made more than my share of stupid mistakes in life and business but I believe a real winner hangs in there and is able to turn things around. It sure isn’t easy.

I’d pretty much written this place off because I felt I wasn’t ever going to be shown any chances to prove myself. No club in America needs any one comedian and that’s a reason to keep us all humble. No matter what position one is going for there are HUNDREDS of qualified and capable bodies to fill that spot and each club only has 52 weeks a year open.

The Skyline Comedy Café has gotten along just fine without Dobie Maxwell and that’s just the way it is. It’s a buyer’s market from a club standpoint. They can use a lot of good acts and never need to get around to me and nobody will be the lesser for it. Except me.

I’m really glad they gave me a shot though because this is one fantastic room. We had a super packed house tonight and a rocking show and on a Wednesday night in a Wisconsin comedy club on a sunny day in May that’s a borderline miracle. This was a genuine treat.

The booker thankfully let me pick my opening acts for the week and that’s something a lot more bookers should consider. It’s a much better week when there’s chemistry onstage and off and this week will be very low maintenance. The opener is Emily Galati who just moved from Arizona and has done some showcases at Zanies. She’s funny and fits well.

Jim Flannigan is the feature and I’ve always liked this kid onstage and off. He’s a funny act but also a student of the game. He’s polite and respectful and isn’t afraid to work hard and pay some dues. He wants to learn and he’s grateful for the chance and all of us fit in a show together because nobody steps on each other’s premises and we will get along fine.

I met the owner Cliff and he was nothing but pleasant. He smiled and shook my hand as I walked in the club and that’s the best I could expect. He didn’t say anything to make me feel uncomfortable and I’m thrilled he didn’t. I don’t want any bad blood between us and I’m confident after tonight there won’t be. I did a strong show and I can tell he knows it.

He’s very sharp and he wouldn’t have been in business as long as he has if he wasn’t. If I could change the past I would but I can’t so all I can do is build whatever kind of a good business relationship I can from this point forward and see where it goes. It started today.

I hope I can draw a few people but this is a tricky weekend with the holiday and the nice weather too. At least I get a chance to prove myself and I’ll be on my very best behavior.

The funny thing is I’m always on my best behavior. I don’t drink or do drugs ever nor am I mean or abusive to the staff. I always tip even if I’m only drinking water and I try to be polite and respectful to everyone I meet from the janitor on up. It doesn’t really take a lot of effort to be nice but I try to put some into it anyway. It’s just plain smart business.

What isn’t smart business is not even getting a chance to be booked at a club because of something someone heard. Reputations can make or break a person and mine for the most part has been very good over the years. I show up and don’t bother people. Occasionally it gets around that I can be hard to work with but that’s because I want to do quality shows.

I want the sound and lights to be right and I want opening acts who aren’t drunk all the time or filthy on stage. I also want the audience to know they can’t talk during the show. I have a strong act that’s taken years to develop and trying to out shout some boozed up oaf who got in free by dropping his wrestling ticket stub in a fish bowl totally pops my cork.

There is never a problem in the good rooms because they know how to have these kinds of things taken care of before I ever have to deal with it. Such is the case here in Appleton this week. The sound is fantastic and the lights are perfect and the audience is well trained and not obnoxious at all. They come out to hear COMEDY and it’s a delight to be here.

I’m sorry I wasn’t able to be here before but that’s how it worked out. Fair or not isn’t a question because life is never going to be fair. It was what it was but I heard there is a big ugly fight going on between the owners and now there are going to be two clubs in town.

None of that is my business and I’m not going to pry. If Cliff decides he wants to let me in on the story I’ll listen and then keep the information to myself. His business is not for a diary of mine and I’d never think of including it but I am sorry to hear of the falling out.

I did get approached by the other club a while back and since I didn’t work here I would gladly have done it but then I got this booking so this is where my allegiance will fall as it all shakes down. I have never been one to play two sides against the middle and I want to build a relationship that works for both parties. From what I’ve seen tonight I’ll stay here.

I’ve seen this situation happen over and over in many towns and sometimes there is just room for one club in a town. When there are two it chokes both of them out and I sure do hope that isn’t the case here. This is a very nice club and I hope the other one doesn’t put a damper on that. There are a few places to draw from but I would think location is key.

All this reminds me of comedy classes in Chicago. When I was doing it nobody else in town even thought of it. Now everyone and their grandmother tries one and I’m the only one who suffers because they knock down the price and have no idea what they’re doing.

I’m sure every other business goes through this kind of thing too but it doesn’t make it any easier. I feel bad for Cliff because he’s got a sweet club here. I’m glad to be here and for whatever it’s worth from my end I’m hoping to stay here and build a draw together.

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