Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bin Laden B.S.

Sunday May 1st, 2011 - Kenosha, WI

   Something extremely funny is going on, but not in a comedian way. Maybe I’m turning into a crusty old cynical curmudgeon or maybe I’m already there, but I’m not buying a bit of all the hullabaloo I’m hearing about the death of Osama Bin Laden. I think it’s a crock.

   It’s all too slick for me, and seems very calculated. Why now? I can’t believe anyone is falling for any of it, but apparently I’m in the minority. I think they either got him a week after 9/11 and have been sitting on the carcass like a lab experiment, or he’s still alive on a tropical island compound playing pinochle with Saddam Hussein and Manuel Noriega.

   I’m still not convinced he was the one who perpetrated 9/11, but what do I know? It’s a moot point now, the damage is done and thousands of people are dead who didn’t need to be. I don’t know who or what to believe anymore, but my television is not one of them.

   I will say it was quite an experience being on the radio as a story like this broke. This is right up our alley on The Mothership Connection, and it fit right into our format. We took full advantage of the opportunity and our four hour show ended up flying by very quickly. A lot of us had varying opinions on what was taking place, and that makes for great radio.

   Doesn’t it sound very suspicious to anyone else that the government called a last minute late night announcement from the President on a Sunday? It was timed perfectly to get on Al Jazeera over there as it happened, and all media outlets here Monday morning. Right.

   Then, all these good looking young white people armed with American flags show up at the White House to rally and sing the Star Spangled Banner. Right. That’s just what I was planning on doing. I hear about this out of the blue after he’s been on the lamb for all this time and within five minutes I’m headed down to the White House to start a celebration.

   I’m sorry, it just doesn’t add up. There has to be a reason they chose this particular time to trot this out, and I think it’s to distract us from something else we’d be furious about as a people. That could be any number of things, and I really hope I’m wrong. But I doubt it.

   Maybe I’ve read too many conspiracy theories or listened to Coast To Coast AM a little too much over the years, but I don’t buy any of what’s being jammed down our throats as a people and I’m not as proud to be an American as I once was. I think our time is over.

   I really believed we were the best country in the world, but now I’m not so sure. People as a whole seem to be rotten to the core, at least the ones in charge. Does anyone believe our government has our best interests at hand? With gas at $4.50 a gallon and rising, I’m not so sure. We’re always out ‘helping’ everyone else, what about our own problems?

   I know I sound like I’m ready to buy camouflage pants and a pickup truck and move to Idaho and live in a bunker, but that’s how I feel. I’m not just going to accept what comes on my TV. I got fooled by professional wrestling as a kid, and I won’t let it happen again.

Posted via email from Dobie Maxwell's "Dented Can" Diary

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