Monday, July 28, 2008

"The Source"

Sunday July 27th, 2008 - Kenosha, WI/Lake Villa, IL

Another ride on the radio Mothership in Kenosha tonight and it was a good one. We had a fun show and two interesting guests and easily killed the two hours. We’ve still got a lot of room to grow and improve but for now we’re making steady progress and the big thing is nobody is telling me what to do and how to do it. Creativity blooms in this type of vibe.

For whatever faults, defects or shortcomings I have (and I freely admit there are many) I have been blessed with being close to ‘the source’. I don’t exactly know what that is but it is definitely real and not everyone is close to it. It’s a vibe that flows through the creative types and it takes one to know one. I’ve been there since I was a kid and I always knew it.

I’m not trying to sound cocky or elitist and I don’t think I’m better than anyone else but I do know I’m in a different position than most of the rest of the world. I think that’s why I’ve always admired others who also shared a similar position. Two prime examples of it are my two favorites George Clinton and Rodney Dangerfield. Both were very prolific.

Musicians look to George and comedians look to Rodney as both are innovative and not afraid to follow that inner vibe and trust it to let them keep producing quality work for the entire span of their lives. Rodney was 82 and he still wrote, performed and made movies.

George is just as funky and creative now as he’s ever been. That show last night was off the hook and he was the one who everyone in the room was zeroed in on. Both the crowd and the band were riveted on him and he was the one who brought all the energy together. He was the maestro and we all had our place and role to fill. Mine was to enjoy the show.

Rodney was the same way. He had several HBO young comedian specials and he kept it all together under his creative wing. He hand picked funny people he liked but he knew as much about comedy as anyone else. He hand picked Sam Kinison and Jim Carrey and lots of other people and those shows were loaded with fresh talent because he was a talent too.

Whatever clashes I’ve had were always with non creative people. Unfortunately my old man was a prime example. He never cared about improving himself or searching for a big dream to chase or anything other than deciding he was going to make life hard on himself and when he did that he passed it all down to us too. We never did resolve that conflict.

Seeing George Clinton still banging it out really put me in a good space. I know I have a dollop of that creativity and I am also able to thrive in the maestro position. Rodney did too and I am at an age now where Rodney really made a leap forward. I think I’m ready to make a similar run. I don’t know exactly what that is right now but I can feel I’m ready.

This week I am going to start making some tough decisions. I’ve got a lot of things in a state of half assed disarray and I don’t like that at all. I need to take some time and make a smart plan and STAY WITH IT for once. I can feel myself surfing on the good vibes for a while and when that happens I’m bulletproof. I need to take full advantage of it and I will.

I can’t help but still be grooving on all the good things that happened this week. There’s a lot to sort through but I can’t help still thinking about that P-Funk show last night. What an experience that was and I’ll never forget it. Meeting George last year was a major thrill but getting to hang back stage last night and see how it all worked was right up there too.

Seeing James Wesley Jackson get reunited with them was also very positive. He was on cloud 99 and when he thanked me for ‘making it happen’ I was on cloud 999. I’m not the one who made it happen but I really do think I’m connected to the source of what did.

Wayne Dyer talks about that a lot as does The Secret and all kinds of other publications and pamphlets and even religions. That inner source could be called God or higher power or whatever anyone wants but there is something there and I want to find out what that is.

Why is George Clinton still out there putting on shows so thick with electricity you can cut it with a butcher knife while my uncle who is the same age is wasting his life living in a house by himself down in Missouri? He never chased his dreams and now is going to be living out his days in solitude and squalor just like his brother did. I don’t have an answer.

George Clinton has countless albums to chronicle his work and has performed live for a lifetime and millions of people have been entertained by his creativity and gifts. My uncle had some creative gifts too but he spent his life working a job he hated and now it’s over.

I don’t want to go to my grave with my creativity still inside me. I did one little piss ant CD which isn’t even an example of my best work. Far from it. I’ve had some shows over the years that are right up there with almost anyone I have ever seen and even though only those that were there saw it there were witnesses. I want to take that to a higher level now.

It all begins in my head and that’s what needs to get a tune up right now. I have a chunk of free time for pretty much the rest of the year and even though I’m a little light on cash I need to not focus on that. I can fix that situation and it won’t even take long once I start to tap into that source of flow. I am not going to let myself continue to live like a cockroach.

Wealth comes from within as does health and virtually everything else. I am going to be working on that inside for this next week and start completely over and do a makeover of my mind. I have books and tapes and CD programs I want to start delving into because if I don’t it’s stupid to even have them. I know I need an adjustment and I am going to do it.

My first audio program is by one of my all time favorites Brian Tracy. He’s got a super program called ‘The Luck Factor’ which is one of the best programs I’ve ever heard. He’s very listenable and I’ve been trying to soak in as much of it as I could as I drove around in my car all day. I already can notice an improvement in my thinking and I will claim that.

Before the radio show I had a meal with Shelley my web person. She has a good vibe to offer and I can use that right about now. We went over some ideas and at least let the ball start to roll if even a little. I want to get even closer to that mysterious ‘source’ and I will.

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