Thursday, December 11, 2008

C.C.-Ya Later

Wednesday December 10th, 2008 - Lake Villa, IL

C.C. Sabathia signed the richest contract for a pitcher in baseball history today with the New York Yankees. He’ll get seven years and $161 million which will average out to the paltry sum of $23 million a year. Times sure are tough. How can a guy squeak by on that?

The auto industry in America is crumbling before our eyes and the economy has taken a major dive but this kind of a deal is made and people are happy about it. I don’t think he’s a bad guy at all and who wouldn’t take that kind of money but it does seem pretty stupid.

What the hell is wrong with this planet? Why is there so much insanity going on on one tiny little pebble in the universe? I have to believe this isn’t the only planet with life but it sure doesn’t seem to be ‘intelligent‘. I think we’re flattering ourselves by calling it that.

The whole mess with Rod Blagojevich is unfolding and he is looking like a total chunk of human sludge. I know a person is innocent until proven guilty and all that but this does not look like one of those times. I think he abused his power and deserves to be torched.

But will it happen? Maybe he’ll lose his job but is he connected enough to keep money coming in? I would bet he’s got some stashed somewhere and isn’t about to starve in the near future. He played dirty and got caught but I doubt if he’s the only one who’s playing.

Chicago and Illinois politics have always been dirty and guess who came through it to get elected president? You can’t tell me Mr. Obama is Mr. Clean. I’ll bet he’s got tales of his own to tell or be told by someone. The whole dark side of humanity makes me sick.

There are good people and there are scumbags. Are good people perfect? Of course not but I think they try to basically do good whenever they can. I know I do. It’s a mindset for daily living. I try to think of the other person like myself just like the golden rule says and when I fail it really does bother me. I don’t think Blagojevich is bothered by this at all.

He just oozes a vibe of sliminess to me. Maybe it’s his pompous pompadour hairdo or a misplaced letter ’j’ in his last name but something doesn’t sit right with me about the guy. He’s using our tax dollars to help himself while the rest of us are out here earning a buck. It sure seems to me like those are the kinds of wankers that are attracted to political life.

C.C. Sabathia is a different story. By all accounts he’s a wonderful guy and I’m glad he got paid the biggest contract ever but I’m sorry to see him leave Milwaukee. He made his mark last year and the whole city loved him like no other baseball player I can remember.

The team supposedly offered him $100 million for five years which boils down to a $20 million a year insult. Yeah, I would have to tell someone to pound sand for that kind of an insult too. What’s wrong with people? Don’t we know baseball is the biggest priority? An economy in the toilet or a governor auctioning off a senate seat doesn’t matter but paying some guy $23 million a year to throw a baseball does. Who’s in charge of our priorities?

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