Tuesday, June 10, 2008

All Booked Up

Tuesday June 10th, 2008 - Lake Villa, IL

I didn’t pick up one single baseball card today and that’s good. I also didn’t type a word on my movie script that’s been sitting around gathering spider webs on and that’s bad. It’s still a constant struggle to manage my time and keep all of my projects in a running order.

Things are piling up similar to how they were a couple of years ago when I got rid of all the stuff in my life I wasn’t using. That was about 80% or more of everything I owned but I didn’t miss it at all after I chucked it. It felt good actually. I think it’s time to do it again.

The main thing that’s stacking up are books and tapes and audio CD programs just like before. I have a knack for finding that kind of stuff at rummage sales and thrift stores and even regular book stores and I buy it and then don’t read or listen to any of it. I have a few favorites that I look at over and over again and the rest just sit around unread. I hate that.

I don’t need to buy a book or a tape or a CD for the next five years or more. If I just use the stuff I have I’ll have more than enough to soak my brain in positive thoughts and good music without spending a penny. And if I sold or gave away most of it I wouldn’t be sad.

The main thing I need to read are the books about business and marketing. I now have a respectable collection of mail order and marketing and small business start up books that I would put up with just about anyone else who isn’t named Barnes or Noble. I’m full up.

Now all I need to do is READ the damn things. I have been listening to a few tapes like E. Joseph Cossman’s course and Tony Robbins and some Wayne Dyer but I have a whole shelf of others I need to get to as well. If I don’t get to them soon I should get rid of them.

I took special time today to start reading the one book I’ve been meaning to read since it came out in the ‘70s. It’s called ‘The Lazy Man’s Way To Riches’ and I’ve talked about it before. It was written by an ad guy named Joe Karbo and it sold millions by mail order.

There was a copy I bought on Ebay but it was a new and allegedly improved version of it that was done by another author. This was the original book and I had it sent to me by a former comedy student named John O’Brien who’s also a student of human nature and all kinds of other stuff too. I appreciate him sending it to me and I will read it and start there.

Then I need to keep going through as much of this stuff as I can and keep growing. I am not going to be able to write if I don’t take time to read more. All I need is one good idea from each book or audio program and I’ll have a nice load of brain bullets to start firing.

The reality is there isn’t a ‘lazy man’s way’ to anything. The book is really good and it’s about using the mind to focus on what a person really wants. That theme has been done in many forms from The Secret to The Bible to Wayne Dyer to Tony Robbins to anyone else who ever studied how the human brain works. We truly are creatures of thought and ideas are things and eventually they do come true. This is a great book to start off my training.

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