Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Welcome Antichrist!

Tuesday November 4th, 2008 - Chicago, IL

I hope America is happy. The Antichrist has just been cleared for a celebrated entrance onto the world stage and they’re welcoming him with open arms. What a joke. I couldn’t believe how so many people actually think Barack Obama is going to make things better.

Don’t get me wrong - I wasn’t thrilled about John McCain either. Neither of those two jabronies did anything for me personally and I’m still amazed those are the only ones we had to choose from. It’s like a Goldilocks story. One was too old, one was too young but where was the one that was just right? He or she never showed up and now it’s too late.

Normally I don’t get political because it steps on toes and I prefer to keep my views to myself mostly but this time I can’t hold back. BARACK OBAMA IS A COMMUNIST. I don’t trust him for a minute and I think he’s going to sell us down the river for whomever is really running the country. Now I’m a lunatic fringe wackadoo but that‘s what I think.

That’s one of the good things about not being famous. It’s not going to hurt me to offer my unvarnished thoughts because nobody cares what I think. I actually take quite a bit of comfort in it. Sorry, but I happen to really think Mr. Obama is a snake bastard in an shiny suit with a slick smile who has hypnotized the masses who are mostly idiots. Am I alone?

Apparently so. There are millions of people who are having parties right now thinking it will all get better now and they won’t have to do anything but watch the money roll in for the next four years. Or eight. Right. The only party that’s coming to stay is Communism.

One thing America can be very happy about is that I am not in any kind of real position of power. If I were able to work my magic there would be some heads turning all over the place. You think Obama promised change? Ha! He couldn’t hold candle to my firestorm.

In all seriousness I am really worried about the future of our country. Our forefathers of all generations had bumps and glitches to overcome but this is a mountain and a half that needs to be climbed. I love what America stands for and it’s time for us all to get to work.

I don’t support war but I absolutely support our troops. They are putting their life on the line every day so I can sit and spew out my rants like this without fear of being squelched by the Gestapo storm troopers. Well, I used to not be afraid of that. Now I’m not so sure.

I have to say I support America but I don’t support Barack Obama. He’s not qualified in my opinion but then again I didn’t really think George Bush was either. His father was the reason he got that gig but that’s no different than a lot of companies. It’s how life works.

This is probably why I’m so cynical right now. None of this has anything to do with any political parties. It’s human interaction. NO politician is going to solve any problems for anybody. It’s up to us as individuals and us as a nation to solve our own problems. We’re in a very tough time now and I for one am going to go to work on making a better ME.

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